Inspect Differential Gears For Put on

Scrutinize Differential Gears for Wear

When changing the differential fluid, it's always a admirable concept to examine the gears while you've got the differential cover off. The gears labour in a precise habit, and whether any lot is establish counterfactual it Testament lob off the comprehensive transaction. Inspecting the differential gears for wear can advice you diagnose a host of howling, whining, rattling and knocking blare problems at the rear of the vehicle.


1. Accommodation an oil remove pan underneath the differential. To examine the gears you commitment to clock inside, so you'll keep to remove the differential incorporate and remove the manner head. Conduct shop rags handy for any spills.

2. Benefit a flashlight or shop blaze for a luminous aspect of the interior. The excessive outer abbreviate shown here is the call gear. Proof that there are no chips or damage to the ends and edges of the teeth. The surface of the ring gear teeth should be smooth. Provided it looks adore wood grain, with patterns of scoring all across, this is NOT average wear and the gear needs to be replaced.

3. Contemplate the interior gears, referred to as the differential side gears or "spider gears". Here you can study the glowing down the centre of the gears which is a natural wear model.

4. Probation the side gears for any breaks or cracks.6. Examine the teeth on the pinion gear as they fit into the larger ring gear. Normal patterns of wear for both these gears is perfectly down the center of the gear teeth.

Here we may annex a bit of chipping at the edges.5. Trial the edges, ends, and surface of this smaller exterior gear, called the Driving-wheel gear. Look for any scoring, cracks or breaks. If you see wear near the edges or on alternating ends of the gears, then there is an adjustment problem. If one gear is set too far back or too close, the gears won't fit together properly and will continually collide in the wrong spot as they turn. There will be irregular wear patterns and eventually damage to the teeth.

7. Slowly spin one of the back wheels to turn the gears and bring the rest of the teeth into view. (Do NOT turn the wheel if you've removed any part of the differential assembly.) Only part of each gear is visible at one time, so you'll need to spin the wheel in increments to examine every part of the gear assembly.

8. Make note of each gear with irregular wear patterns, chips and breaks, so you know what adjustments and replacement parts are needed. Unless you have experience working with differentials, you should consult a professional auto repair technician.

9. Take the car for a quick test drive around the block. When you return, check the fill plug and cover to be sure there are no leaks.