Fix A Rusty Vehicle Door

Set collecting rust before it coats your filled automobile door.

You might remark patches of rust on your automobile door after removing it from long-term storage, while detailing it Homewards or when performing a cosmetic inspection. Rust forms when O2 and moisture behave with most types of metal. Whether left untreated, rust can spread quickly and degrade the metal completely, resulting in chipping, flaking and holes. Douse a #0000 steel wool pad with the oil-based lubricant. Rub the rusted universe of the vehivle door using a circular motion. For stubborn rust patches, apply firm pressure.3.

1. Using a scrub brush and a meaning of mild flood and dish soap, scrub the metal of your van door. Mop the door dry with a Disinfected, microfiber cloth.

2. To avoid expensive repair procedures or door replacement, locate your rust complication while you can. Most baby cases of rust can be removed with household materials.


Check your progress regularly, applying more lubricant or switching to a fresh pad of steel wool, as needed. Wipe away excess oil residue with a damp cloth.

4. Spread an even layer of automotive wax over the cleaned area of the car door. Allow the wax to dry for the time suggested on the container, or until it is powdery in texture.

5. Buff off the wax using a polishing cloth and a rapid circular motion. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 every several months to protect your car door from rust.