Fix Eclipse Car windows Leaks

The Mitsubishi Eclipse might initiate to develope leaks environing the windscreen over day. This is expressly bona fide on older Eclipses. This is a commonplace bit of wear and tear on the vehicle. You can establish the Eclipse windscreen leaks by sealing the leak with urethane caulking.

5. Press the windshield molding back down into the windshield and allow the urethane to cure for 24 hours.

Observe where the windshield leaks on the inside of the car.

2. Dry the Eclipse with a lint-free towel.

3. Wedge the tip of a trim removal tool underneath the windshield molding and gently pry up on the molding around the area of the leak. The leak is caused by a failure in the seal between the windshield and the frame of the Eclipse. So, you will need to temporarily remove part of the molding around the windshield so you can reseal the windshield.

4. Apply urethane caulking to the glass edge of the windshield where the windshield meets the frame of the vehicle. Spread the urethane with your finger so that it covers an inch beyond the seal failure.


1. Turn on the water hose and run water over the top of the windshield at the windshield seams to find the leak in the windshield.