Develop A Homemade Fresh paint Booth

Generate a Homemade Dye Booth

Although inordinately convenient in expediting and creating a uniform stain gig, spray portray is vaporous and messy. Encompass the sphere where you are working to prevent contaminants from entering and interfering with the gloss activity. Ventilate the existence to avoid unhealthy inhalation of the vapours. By building your booth with PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes, you Testament be able to easily disassemble and reassemble the booth.


1. Decide the bigness needed for your project. The extent depend on what you are illustration. For instance, whether you are exclusive representation dwarf Art objects, you one call for a colouring booth the magnitude of a diminutive closet. Provided you are representation a vehivle, you entail a dye booth the amount of a minor garage. Degree the sample immensity of the objects you dye and add Sufficiently additional length in Everyone method for you to comfortably carriage on all sides of the object. Make sure the paint booth is also tall enough to accommodate the project.

2. Build a square framework out of PVC pipes based on the determined dimensions. Cut lengths PVC to the determined dimensions using a chop saw or a hand saw. Cut lengths for the corners, the ceiling edges and the floor edges. Join the corners using PVC corner fittings. The ends of the PVC pipe are simply pushed tightly into the holes on the fittings to create a three-way corner. If your booth is larger, you may need center beams halfway down each side. Affix a center beam using a PVC T-shape fitting. In this case the horizontal pipes have to be cut in the middle so they can be inserted into the fitting. The horizontal pipe ends go into the holes at the top of the 'T' and the vertical pipes go into the holes at the base of the 'T.'

3. Affix plastic sheeting to all sides. Cut sections of plastic sheeting with scissors according the dimensions of the booth sides and ceiling. Line up the edges of each plastic section to the PVC pipes and tape them down with duct tape. Make sure the tape runs the entire length of the plastic edge so it is completely sealed.

4. Measure the dimensions of a box fan. Cut a square three inches smaller than the fan in all directions at the base of the booth. Tape another section of plastic over the slit that is long enough to arrive the ground. The plastic will drape over and cover the slit to keep the gap blocked.

Cut an diagonal slit at the upper corners of the cut out square to create flaps. Fit the fan into the square and tape the flaps to the sides of the fan to seal it.5. Cut a longer slit somewhere else in the plastic for a door way.