The Place Of O2 Sensors Inside A 1997 Chevrolet Blazer

A defective O2 sensor can explanation issues with the engine of your vehicle.

The O2 (Oxygen) sensors in a 1997 Chevrolet Blazer are an salient Element of the exhaust course, working to cope the balance between O2 and fuel. A defective O2 sensor can hurl off the Correct fuel-to-air ratio, which can grounds funereal problems with your vehicle. One indicator of a complication with your O2 sensors is the bright of your evaluation engine lambent. To exchange a faulty oxygen sensor, you must inceptive allot it.


1. Arena your Chevrolet Blazer in a defended domicile on level ground. Engage the parking brake or apply tire stops to the wheels of the vehicle to prevent the vehicle from rolling while you are working on the oxygen sensors. The catalytic converter is cylindrical and approximately 6 inches in diameter.3. Inspect the surface of the catalytic converter and take note of two sets of wiring harnesses around the catalytic converter that contain several visible wires.

Crawl under the vehicle. Find the exhaust pipe and follow the exhaust pipe until you reach the catalytic converter. You should be able to identify the catalytic converter as an enlarged portion of the exhaust pipe just below the rear seating area. Raise the vehicle using a car jack. Place jack stands under the axles to keep the vehicle elevated.2.

These wiring harnesses hold both of the oxygen sensors on your Blazer. One of the wiring harnesses is along the exhaust pipe before the catalytic converter--this is your upstream sensor. The other wiring harness is along the exhaust pipe after the catalytic converter--this is your downstream sensor.