Test Liquid Resin

A bug fling in resin makes a sui generis pendant or brooch.

Liquid resin is a general Art medium used in a fluctuation of projects, from manufacture jewellery and paperweights to finishing tables and preserving models. Before working with resin, it is valuable to chore on some utility tests so you end not ruin your Art materials. Casting resin is expensive, so a analysis is imperative before using it. By using unpaid money moreover to a meager collection of liquid resin, you can appraisal resin in an affordable and efficient practice.


1. Establish up your workspace. Depending on the type of resin you are working with, there Testament doable be a athletic odour. Donkeywork in a well-ventilated earth. Away is a congenial habitat to begin, whether you acquire access to a garage functioning bench. Whether you don't admit a habitat liking this, opening windows Testament end. Cover any area you do not want the resin to touch with an old bed sheet. Resin is difficult To cleanse up, and even more so when it dries. Cover the area you are working on with wax paper; it makes a great surface on which to work with resin, because your project will not stick to the wax paper like it would fabric or other materials. Put on gloves before moving to the next step.

2. Mix the resin according to the package instructions. When working with resin, exact measurements are essential---inaccurate measurements result in air bubbles or tacky resin finish, which you want to avoid for a beautiful finished project. Because you are only mixing a small amount for the initial test, mix the components in disposable plastic cups using Popsicle sticks To move about. Make sure these items make it into the dustbin when you're finished to avoid getting this mixture on clothes or other household items.

As you mix the resin, the plastic cup will likely feel warm to the touch as the compounds combine.

3. If your resin is still sticky, it is most likely due to a faulty resin measurement or lack of mixing. If your results are undesirable, repeat the process and pay close attention to measurements while mixing the resin.If your leaf or flower are hard and have a nice glossy finish without being sticky, you have succeeded. If you don't want to waste your test, apply a pinback onto the leaf or flower with a glue gun to make a brooch.

If possible, test on several leaves or flowers to see which one turns out the best. It will take approximately Day and night for your resin to be finished and hardened.

4. Once your resin is dry, evaluate the results. Gather the dried, pressed leaf or flower and set it on the wax paper. Using a paintbrush, cover the leaf or flower with a coat of resin on both sides. For best results, do one side at a time. This will extend the finish time, but you will end up with a better product.