Test The Fuel Pressure Valve On The 2001 Jeep Cherokee

The 2000 Jeep Cherokee was equipped with a 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine in the model base; but, the aggrandized common engine in the 2000 Cherokee was the 4.0-liter in-line six-cylinder engine. Testing the fuel impulse on both engines requires an alike development. Correct fuel vigour is governed by the fuel vigour regulator, which is vacuum-controlled. Vacuum leaks or a destitute fuel overhaul could backwash in low fuel energy; testing the fuel force regulator Testament support you conclude where the puzzle with fuel delivery exists.


1. Accessible the hood of the Cherokee and allot the hood prop. Lay a towel subservient the fuel castigate, on top of the exhaust manifold. The fuel condemn is the shiny metal censure that runs duplicate to the valve incorporate, on the top of the engine.

Ask your assistant to close the engine off immediately after you let go of the pinched fuel line, To admit the pressure to dissipate through the fuel-return line on the fuel pressure regulator.

Appeal your assistant to begin the engine of the Jeep. The compel tester should glance at no less than 31 psi on the gauge. Whether the reading is less than 31 psi, you can perform some breakneck tests to attempt to figure out where the fuel pressure loss is coming from, as outlined below.

4. Ask your assistant to turn the engine off. Remove the air intake components between the air filter housing and the throttle body on the engine. Unsnap the air filter housing lid by depressing the locking tabs and lifting upward. Loosen the air intake hose from the throttle body, using a ratchet and socket or flat-head screwdriver.

5. Ask your assistant to begin the engine. Remove the fuel pressure regulator vacuum hose, keeping the engine running and the tester installed on the engine port. The pressure regulator is mounted directly on the throttle body, with inlet and return fuel lines attached. The reading on the tester should jump to 39 psi; if the pressure does not move, then the fuel system needs to be checked from the fuel rail inlet all the way back to the fuel tank, including the fuel filter. Install the small vacuum line on the fuel pressure regulator.

6. Pinch the fuel-return line on the fuel pressure regulator with needle nose pliers. Do not hold the hose pinched for longer than three seconds. The reading on the gauge will increase dramatically on the tester, indicating that the fuel pressure regulator needs to be replaced. If the reading does not increase when the return line is pinched, the fuel delivery problem is between the fuel rail inlet and the fuel tank.

7.2. Remove the energy tester Harbour cap, located approximately six-inches from the front of the engine on the fuel condemn. Install a fuel energy tester onto the fuel tester Harbour.3.