Switch The Push Of The 1994 Social

The water pump is amenable the flow of coolant; care your engine from overheating.

The engine of your 1994 Honda Civic must govern its temperature. The engine needs a comfortable running temperature to function with the least extent of wear. Coolant flow is stopped by a thermostat that pops airy when a desirable operating temperature is reached which allows the H2O pump to circulate coolant in succession to care for the engine locate at this temperature. Besides small or further still heat while the vehivle is operating wears down engine parts rapidly. Alternate the moisten pump when not Sufficiently flow is coeval which leads to overheating.


1. Establish the void plug on the backside of the radiator. Remove the plug and bleed the cooling action into a automotive fluid catcher. Remove the contradiction battery terminal while the transaction is draining.

2. Lift the front Chauffeur's side spin safely on a oppressive Apartment lodgings surface. Remove the front driver's side spin and revolve husky splash guard.

3. Remove all accessory belts including the air conditioner, alternator and faculty steering. Establish the tensioner adjust bolts on the accessories and loosen them. Functioning the belts clear.

4. Loosen the crankshaft pulley bolt and remove the crankshaft pulley.

8. Replace all accessory belts properly taking particular care with the timing belt. Reinstall all removed components in reverse order.9. Refill the cooling system and park the car on a hill so that the engine is higher than the trunk. Open the radiator cap and run the car for five minutes visually checking inside the radiator for coolant flow. Strong flow will indicate the water pump is working properly. All the air pockets in the system will bleed through the open cap because the car is parked on an incline making the cap the highest point in the system.


7. Install the new O-ring seal between the water pump and the engine block. Bolt 9 foot pounds of torque back into the new water pump mount.

5. Remove the timing band with its upper and lower girdle covers.6. Unscrew the bolts on the mounting bracket to the water pump. Remove the water pump and the O-ring seal.

10. Reinstall the radiator cap after the system has been bled. Air pockets in the cooling system will cause the engine to overheat.