Switch The Pcv Valve On The 2001 Chevrolet Impala

Most current machine engines hog a PCV valve.

There are assorted components which comprise the emission dominion development of a 2001 Chevy Impala. One of these components is the positive crankcase ventilation valve, or the PCV valve. This small inexpensive device helps remove gases from the inside of an engine's crankcase and thus helps the engine run more efficiently, thereby reducing exhaust pollutants. The PCV valve is a component which many vehicle owners are able to replace themselves with only a pair of pliers.


1. Park the Impala, set the parking brake and prop open the hood.

2. Examine the front of the engine and locate the oil fill cap. Remove the hose from the old valve and attach it to the new one.5. Push the new valve into place until it seats and the job is completed.

Grasp the valve with pliers and give it a firm tug. The valve will slide out of the engine.

4. Look to the right of the oil fill cap and locate a small black hose. This hose is attached to the PCV valve, which is seated in the top of the engine.3.