

Munich, Bavaria and Germany, this is were over
6 million people from around the world celebrate
life and they call the fair Octoberfest. It started in
1810 the people of Munich were invited to join the crowned Prince Ludwig and his bride at a festival held in front of the city gates to celebrate in couple and their marriage. The fields in front were named after the bride "Theresa's Meadow" otherwise called Wiesn. The festival continued every year and do to weather conditions it was moved back to September and ended the 1st Sunday of October.\

There were huge halls for eating and drinking and many booths with vendors selling there items. A traditional horse race would take place at the end of every festival. In 1819 the people of Munich decided that this would be an annual event. There were several year were the festival was cancelled do to a illness breakout but it is still one of the worlds largest celebrations. In 1880 light was brought to the show illuminating the booths and tents.

In 1881 the Bratwurst was introduced and a big hit was created. In 1892 the first beer served in a glass was done and games and sporting events were held. The festival has grown every year, more and more company's wanted to join the event and the list of musicians grew too. There was so much beer that beer hall were created to full fill the need.

In the 1950's the tradition started with a twelve gun salute and a tapping of the festival keg. Today this can still be seen around the world and in Europe. The tradition of Octoberfest has spilled over into many cities all over the world. The fun filled events are overflowing with traditional European food and of course drinks. This year I was able to spend my Octoberfest at the Hofbrauhaus with good friends and a great staff that really makes the celebration feel as if you were in Munich. Every table was full from the front to the back of the establishment. There was a traditional German Band playing and horns going off. A former playmate tapped the keg and the waitresses served arms full of beer to every table. The traditions didn't end there but rather on your end. If someone bought you a shot the smiling angel waitress would then stand you up bend you over the table, then the devil waitress came out and gave you a "WACK" on your rear end to cap the celebration....a fun time was had by all!