The main features that you can enjoy from the below collection are the responsive design that can fit well in all media type resolutions such as desktop, tablet PCs, mobile devices and more. The other unique one are the custom homepage design with labels based widget section, magazine type layout, sidebar section, footer, social media icons and the free customization as you want.
Lycoris Full Dark Responsive Blogger Template
Lycoris is fully responsive design with complete SEO optimization. It is modern blogger template that comes with 1 column homepage, 2 column post page, Masonry Grid Base Homepage Post, main side menu, bottom menu, subscribe box, Floating Bounce to Top Button and much more. Lycoris is totally free with unlimited features. Enjoy the dark design.
Johny Cassia Responsive
Johny Cassia is simple clean photography and multi-niche template. You can made any type of blog with Johny Cassia and it will prove the best theme for you. It is fully responsive, comes with slideshow, simple navigation menu, beautiful homepage design and more.
Johny Mag Responsive
Johny Mag is an online magazine type template. It is modern, responsive, simple and clean. The homepage is good looking with labels based homepage design, custom carousal slider, trending news script, ads ready and much more. Johny Mag is available to download for free but to get all of its features you can purchase it.
Johny Grid Responsive
Johny Grid is grid based photography template with five column on the main page. It is responsive that can fit perfect in all media size resolutions. The toggle sidebar menu, search box, social media icons and grid layout makes it a beautiful design by mastemplate. Enjoy it!
Soonex Coming
Soonex is the beautiful coming soon layout ddesign by Syed Faizan. This theme comes with one page layout with social medai icons, email subscription and countdown timer. It's for those who are going to introduce some products or product and notify the visitors that it will coming soon in future. Also you can use it for many purpose such as increase the email subscription and to inform about something unique.
Movieism Responsive Blogger Template
Movieism is built with the powerful technologies of HTML5 and CSS3. It is fully compatible with all modern browseres and comes with lots of features that you love to have in your movie blog. The homepage is custom with 6 columns and no sidebar while the post pages comes with sidebar and post section.
RealMag Responsive Blogger Template
RealMag is modern, user-friendly interface layout. Itoffers the 3 column homepage area having 2 right sidebar and a cool post content area. It is fully ads ready, custom ddesign, navigation menu, beautiful color scheme and more.
If you are looking for a minimal, simple and clean design for your new magazine type blog then this is really for you. Simpleest is minimal, fast loading, Search engine optimized cool template for blogger users. You can customize it as you want and to make it more suitable for you. Enjoy!
Centurion is also a minimal layout. It offers the 2 column main page area with 1 right sidebar and post content section. You can use Centurion for your personal as well as any type of simple blog.
Throne is modern wordPress dapted template for blogger users. It offers the beautiful custom area on the homepage where you can show the most recent or random posts to get more views and likes. Throne can be used fror photography, personal and fashion type blogs. It's color scheme is minimal one, enjoy!
The Luvblog built with the latest powerful advanced HTML5 and CSS3 technologies. It is designed for those guys who are creative professionals and want to display their artwork in a unique way. It is retina ready, and custom animated loading and image hover effect that will amuse yur readers. You can use it for free or purchase.
Moksha: Minimal Responsive Blogger Template


Sora Tech

TruePixel Responsive Blogger Template

DoodlePro Blogger Template

Ever After Blogger Template

Baskerville Blogger Template

Perfetta Blogger Template

Bold Parallax Blogger Template Responsive

Aires Blog Responsive Blogger Template

Movey Responsive Blogger Template

Tech Blog

Extremis Responsive Blogger Template

Lycoris Responsive Blogger Template

Minima Colored 2.1 Responsive Blogger Template

Sora Movies

The templates that are listed in this article are awesome with their great look. You can choose the one that is most relevent with your blog niche and look. If you think that your desired layout is missing one then you can browse our blogger template section and find the best one for you. Enjoy!