Are you new to wordpress and looking for cool tutorials and stuff to get started? If yes then continue reading this article because in this post we are going to reveal the top sites where you can learn the basics and advance use of with the help of tutorials. Being the most popular content management system Wordpress is powered millions of websites worldwide. It lets you to easily create the code free website by just posting in predesigned theme and template without any coding language knowledge or experience. Now, every business makes their own website to inform people about their special offers, new products and events. So, Wordpress is the only platform which lets you to make site ranging from simple blog to a powerful Ecommerce site easily, hassle free and code free. So, if you are new and want to learn how to get started to make your first website i.e. how to buy domain name, web hosting, pointing the name server and other settings then here we are listing some of the top sites where you can easily find your answers.
The resources and sites that are listed below let you to learn the WordPress in the form of simple blog articles, video tutorials, ppt presentations and more. You can easily learn and ask the difficulty to admin. The free and premium learning resources let you to make your first website and your client’s site easily. You can learn the basics and advance level settings and options such as what is WordPress? How to buy a domain name? Best web hosting providers for WordPress? How to write your first article? How to configure the domain name? Etc.
WPBeginner is a totally free way to learn the WordPress. It is especially designed for beginners to WP CMS. It is founded in July 2009 by Syed Balkhi.The main aim of this site is to deliver the latest Wordpress tips and tricks, hacks, latest resources and deals etc.You can start your blog with easy to understand instructions and full set-up. So, it's the total free and recommended way to learn the WordPress content management system,Here, the learning resources includes the content articles and video tutorials. Also, at WPbegginers you can also browse the latest deals, coupons and helpful books regarding WordPress. lets you to learn the WordPress setup from the basic level to advance. You will learn how to build a beautiful professional website or blog. The video tutorials are made by the professional developers and designers. You will learn the complete setup including the installation, basic settings, theme, plugins and much more. tutorials updated to the old version to current version. So, here you will find the latest tuts including the setting up wordpress for the first time, how to build a theme, search engine optimization, essential training and more.
Team Treehouse
Team Treehouse stars with free trail and ends with the premium membership. It means if you want to learn WordPress with treehouse you should pay according to their pricing plan. Treehose is the growing code learning and web design source. Here you can learn with video tutorials and articles such as Moving from to Self-hosted, WP codex, single page blog or website and much more.
WordPress Codex
WordPress Codex is officially learning resources. Here, you can learn the very basic step to more advanced level settings and configuration. The tutorials updated with each update in software. So, it's the best place for begginers to get started to learn the quick tips, tricky and hacks. Here, you can learn how WP basics, domain name and recommended hosting packages and much more. It is multi-lingual so you can easily get started with it.
WP101 is the premium resource for learning the Wordpress from basic level to advanced options. The way of learning is smooth and easy. The pricing plans also differ and ranging from $19 to $79 per month. If you want to get even the most satisfactory and easy way to use the Wordpress then you should get started with the best features of WP101. In the free video section you can learn the WP dashboard, posts vs pages, post formats, editing the existing post, adding photos and images, editing posts and installing the themes and plugins etc.
WPapprentice is a fast way to get started with WordPress. The basic plan is free and the advanced level is premium. So, to get the easy to use lessons you can also get started with WPapprentice.

The Tao of WordPress

Easy WP Guide WordPress Manual V3.0 for WordPress 4.0
It might be easier to say what this guide isn’t, rather than what it is. It isn’t an in depth look at every single function available within the WordPress dashboard. Nor is it a guide to help you develop or modify WordPress themes. My aim is to create a simple WordPress manual that will help you to get an overall understanding of how you use the various features within the WordPress Dashboard to keep your site or blog updated.If you’re looking for more in-depth knowledge, there are heaps of articles in the WordPress Codex that go into more detail. This is great if you want to get really involved in developing your own WordPress theme or modifying your site with plugins, but it can be a bit daunting for those users who just want a simple guide to using the Content Management side of WordPress or just need to update their site pages every so often.

There is more than one way to learn WordPressBobWP Tutorials • One-On-One Online Training • In-Person Workshops
We all learn in different ways.
I want to be sure that, when it comes to learning WordPress, you have choices.
Having taught thousands of people, I don't just teach you the how, but also the why.



We've created these free WordPress tutorials to help get you & your clients acquainted with the world's best web publishing platform - WordPress. We'll do our best to add more and update these videos when WordPress changes.
This article was designed for new and existing users for WordPress and we try to lis the best online and offline learning resources for WordPress. The conclusion is that one should use the different sites and resources to learn the WordPress properly. One article may be best in one site and the second one on the other. So, consult, every resource even it's free or premium. Hopefully, you choose the right choice for you according to your thinking.