Hyori worries over her future child being raised under the 'Hyori junior' spotlight

Article: 'Magic Eye' Lee Hyori "Always contemplating over having a child"

Star News via Naver

"I'm always contemplating about having a child. Since I'm a celebrity, that child will inevitably be labeled as 'Lee Hyori junior' and that makes me worried. I want to raise my child humbly but I wonder if such an environment would be a good upbringing for him/her."

1. [+7,761, -402] Aigoo. We already have to know everything about your dog's day to day life, can't imagine your child...

2. [+5,270, -187] Just give birth to it like everyone else does. Naturally.

3. [+5,151, -871] I assure you that they're going to have a tall daughter who looks like Lee Sang Soon

4. [+4,217, -194] I think any star would worry over this. I wish they'd stop caring and just have the children they want

5. [+1,154, -43] As long as she doesn't share on her blog or SNS, it shouldn't matter. Park Myung Soo's daughter hasn't even been shown on broadcast. It's up to the parent to hold back.

6. [+933, -30] She's overreacting when it's all up to her to reveal the child's life or not ã…‹ã…‹ Jang Dong Gun and Go So Young live just fine with their children ã…‹ã…‹

7. [+876, -33] She should stop saying the word "humbly"... I know what her intentions are but if she has the money for it, she should raise her kid to the best of her ability. Give the child the best environment possible but also teach it the responsibilities of money and what it means to be a moral human being with confidence and self esteem. I understand that it's difficult living as the child of a celebrity but I'm sure there are perks that come with it too. You earn some, you lose some..

8. [+866, -38] It all comes down to how much of the child's life she reveals. Top star celebrities live just fine without revealing anything about their children. But then again, Lee Hyori always wants people's attention so she'll probably wants to reveal her child herself.
