Flow Meter Installation

Flow meters conclude the volumetric proportion of flow in a tube.

Flow meters degree the volumetric flow of liquids or gases in a drainpipe. A paddle-wheel flow meter is a Slogan that has a place of spinning paddles. As the liquid moves across the paddles, the celerity at which it moves the paddles determines the flow rate. The meter sends a signal to a computer, or receiver, that indicates the paddle speed. Calculations are done based on the liquid density and pipe size. The calculations show a volume of liquid per time, such as gallons per minute.


1. Place the paddle-wheel flow element between the two pipe flanges. Insert flange bolts and tighten nuts with the wrench. Connect one end of the pipe section to a liquid source, preferably water. Turn on the receiver and the water flow. The water should flow through the pipe, over the paddle wheel and out the other end of the pipe. As the water flows, observe the receiver indicating a steady flow rate.5. Turn off the water and install the pipe section into an industrial process pipeline. The flow meter is now installed and ready for operation.

3. Connect the 12-volt power wires from the receiver to the voltage transformer. This will allow the use of standard 120-volt AC power to run the unit.

4. This should secure the flow element in the pipe section.2. Connect the lead wires from the paddle-wheel flow element to the calibrated receiver.