Cope With A Poor Repair

Poor repairs aren't always the corollary of dangerous Testament. Sometimes it's due an Truthful error. Commit mankind the good of the suspect, on the other hand stand your ground.


1. Interrogate the mechanic for a folder of what was constant and how before you sanction the garage.

2. Hardihood on a countdown coerce before paying for larger repairs.

3. Probation the warranty on the bullwork before you assent. Treasure absent whether it covers both parts and labour. It should be for at least 90 days; six months is yet greater.

4. Bring the vehivle back to the garage nowadays whether matters are yet not good after you dispensation.

5. Hunt for to assert to the same mechanic who worked on the car. Contact the Better Business Bureau and/or the state agency that regulates auto repair in your state if your problem is still not resolved. (For instance, in California the Bureau of Automotive Repair regulates all repair shops and will send out a mediator to help resolve disputes.) The state attorney general's office can direct you to the proper agency in your state.

7. Request new replacement parts if new parts have been installed. Ideally, you should ask for the old parts back before the job is started; if you ask afterward, they might not be available.

8. Ask to speak to the shop manager if the mechanic will not check the problem immediately.

9. Tell the shop manager, as specifically as you can, the problem with the car. Say that you need the car fixed immediately. Remain calm. Assume that the manager will right the problem. Tell him or her that you know the shop's reputation is on the line and are sure he or she will want to take care of this 'comeback' (mechanics' lingo for a car not fixed properly) right away.

10. Inform the manager that you are canceling the repair payment if he or she has refused To allow the car immediately. Leave the shop.

11. Consider going to another shop for a second opinion. However, be aware that if you choose to go to another shop, the original shop may not honor the repair warranty, while the second shop may not want to deal with the problem if someone else has already done work on the car.

12. Explain the problem calmly: 'I just went a mile from the shop and the brakes are still squealing. Something is still wrong.'6. Offer to take a ride in the car with the mechanic.