Sexy Speakers

Bob Turek's Body Speaker


Sexy Unique Ways to listen to music. These days home audio is a lost past time. I remember as a kid starring into the window of a Hi-Fi store and thinking one day I will get one of those. Companies like Klipsch, Yamaha or Nakamichi were just getting started and they were the dream of every Audio junky.

The days of spending hours tuning and placing the speaker exactly right so you could hear every note. I believe that everything comes full circle and the days of respecting real music and the equipment that brought the music to life will once again be the dreams of young people. Hopefully with the re-surge of headphones the younger generation will then want to hear that sound which is full and live through top audio in there rooms. Here are some new creations that spark the imagination of us Audio freaks.

Dragon Speakers
Duevel Planets
Sonic Arboretum
Magico Ultimate
Audio Bulb

Omni Sound Speaker