Ryeowook apologizes for raging on Twitter about leaked cue sheet

Article: SM concert cue sheet leaked, Ryeowook rages "Let me talk to you face to face"

Korea Econ via Nate

1. [+587, -37] He seems so feminine when I see him on TV but why does he have so much to say once he gets on his keyboard

2. [+572, -27] Where could the leak have happened other than from inside your own company? Don't write this stuff on your Twitter, go make a company announcement.

3. [+398, -31] How scary ã…‹

4. [+79, -8] Ryeowook's known for raging on the net a lot ã…‹ã…‹

5. [+74, -16] Didn't Ryeowook write something about lip syncing on Music Core before too?

6. [+57, -3] Look at him acting all tryhard... Excuse me but that's your own company's concert, how else do you think information was leaked other than from the inside? ;;;; Why rage at someone else for the irresponsibility of your own company...........

7. [+31, -2] Why's he threatening someone's life in real life over something his company screwed up on...

8. [+26, -2] Well anyone with a keyboard can become a fighter nowadays


Article: Super Junior Ryeowook "I'm sorry"... apologizes for cue sheet controversy

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+307, -25] I really wish celebrities would stop writing stuff they're going to regret later on Twitter. Nothing good ever comes out of it...

2. [+243, -19] Dance sorry sorry to the sun comes up

3. [+241, -18] Waste of time. I wonder if he got that face to face talk he wanted with someone from his own company yet.

4. [+30, -2] "Talk to me face to face XX"... How embarrassing. It's like a post written straight out of the Cyworld of a junior high school kid.

5. [+22, -1] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ He calls out the person responsible to speak to him face to face and it ends up being Lee Soo Man
