Lee Seung Gi touches hearts with fan account at KCON

Article: "At eye level with her wheelchair"... Lee Seung Gi touches hearts at American fan signing

Dispatch via Nate

1. [+483, -34] As expected, Lee Seung Gi speaks from his heart when he talks to people. Makes me realize that we're all one and the same.

2. [+448, -34] He's been the same since his debut, humble and upright. What a beautiful young man he is~!!

3. [+404, -35] As expected ã…‹

4. [+40, -5] How heartwarming

5. [+37, -5] Oh, Lee Seung Gi's a cool guy.. certainly heartwarming

6. [+35, -5] Can't say anything more than that it's to be expected of him.. ã…‹ He's so humble, what does he lack?

7. [+31, -4] He's really heartwarming... I remember reading a fan account about a deaf fan who wrote him a post it note in case he thought it was weird that she couldn't talk and he said in sign language back to her with a smile that he loved her. She cried because she was so touched... jjang jjang man ^o^

8. [+31, -4] What an amazing person. As a star receiving the love of so many, I hope he finds further success. Wishing daebak for your new movie~
