Article: Ailee succeeds in her diet? Recent whereabouts show skinny new look
Source: TV Report via Naver
1. [+2,178, -118] Hul ã… ã… Ailee lost so much weight ã… ã… ã… I found her prettier before the weight loss ã… ã… but she's still just as pretty
2. [+1,868, -261] So did they ever find the culprit or what? Did she sue them?
3. [+1,313, -83] When's Ailee's comeback ã…
4. [+1,241, -84] She was pretty before~ Don't lose too much
5. [+1,147, -136] Ailee's going to lose her charms if she gets skinny
6. [+130, -7] Ailee's charm is her slightly chubby look~
7. [+131, -9] She lost 9 kg??? Hul... ã… ã…
8. [+121, -4] Just losing weight in itself doesn't guarantee prettiness... Ailee and Jun Hyosung lose the bulk of their charms if they get thin.
9. [+119, -11] She lost one of her biggest pros, her voluptuous body