The Startup Scene In Dhaka

This is a story about Startup community in Dhaka that uses the power of Internet to create new and exciting businesses. The film shows some of the people who are working as startup founders, investors and mentors in Dhaka. It asks them about their experiences, listen to what they think the future holds for this brewing Startup community. Learn more about Startup Dhaka. The film was made by raising fund ($9002) at the Indiegogo platform. It shows if you are willing funding is never a problem. Your action is needed.
“Build and they will come.”

This is the requirement of any startup.
“When you meet any person just say ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’ and ‘Nice to meet you’ because network matters’-Fayaz Taher, CEO Fortuna Group.
And another powerful tool is building networks. There are a lot of Non-Resident-Bangladeshis coming back to their homeland to invest in startup opportunities. All the budding entrepreneurs need is to connect and network with them to find a synergy. Here is an effort to map all the startups in Dhaka. Why not add your one here!