Article: 'Ent Relay' Suzy, "I want to earn the title of the nation's daughter-in-law"
Source: Mydaily via Naver
1. [+12,880, -2,733] She really expects a lot;
2. [+11,369, -2,786] Haven't really been liking her since that awards show..
3. [+10,041, -1,925] Don't expect the daughter-in-law title...
4. [+2,617, -397] Even the nation's first love is too much for you;
5. [+2,405, -328] Suzy-ya... Is the first love title not enough for you? You think the daughter-in-law title is something anyone can get? You have to be kind and wise, an image that is built up for years on end... The nation's anything title isn't something earned so easily.
6. [+2,282, -324] That's really greedy. I guess she just wants to make more CF money with little work.
7. [+2,047, -220] You're going to need a lot more basic knowledge in your head to be the nation's daughter in law..
8. [+1,967, -256] Just because she became the nation's first love so easily, she thinks she can earn any nation title just like that..