Girl's Day releases teaser photo for Sojin and Hyeri

Article: Girl's Day releases Sojin and Hyeri's sun beach fashion teaser 'sexy + cute'

X Sports News via Naver

1. [+1,184, -247] They've realized at a young age that showing skin is what makes money

2. [+1,142, -327] Why do people yell at girl groups so much for showing a bit of skin? When fangirls yell in joy over male idols taking their shirts off... and then go and call girls cheap for wearing erotic clothes?

3. [+706, -64] I feel bad for girl groups, they have to struggle with all these sexual comments... It must be hard to take in with a normal mindset.

4. [+961, -327] Should practice their singing in the time they're taking these pictures. Lots of talk going around about their lip syncing.

5. [+593, -96] They said it'd be a cute concept but I guess they couldn't throw out sexy for good

6. [+437, -73] I don't get people calling this sexy. Do you expect them to wear padded jackets in the summer?

7. [+220, -29] Sojin nuna's 30 next year... Time flies...

8. [+210, -33] Why so much talk about a refreshing photoshoot fit for the summer? Do people want them in long sleeve shirts and pants? Ridiculous...
