'Music Core' reflects on their decision to ban lip syncing

Article: MBC 'Music Core' CP, "More energetic ever since the banning of lip sync"

Star News via Naver

"The atmosphere of the set has changed ever since we banned 100% lip syncing. It's become more energetic and the stages have become livelier. Ever since we said that we refuse to put any artist on stage who doesn't sing with a voice, singers sing with more energy on stage now."

1. [+4,803, -55] Might as well be dancers if you're going to lip sync on stage ã…‹ã…‹ I think Music Core made the right choice

2. [+3,660, -38] A singer should definitely be able to sing

3. [+3,454, -40] Should've been like this from the start. It was weird watching stages without live singing...

4. [+2,927, -35] I hope more shows pick this up~^^

5. [+2,787, -66] Good decision all around!! Who lip syncs nowadays anyway..

6. [+335, -6] Even after the change, I haven't really noticed any difference/live singing

7. [+294, -11] Looking forward to Hyuna's live

8. [+331, -49] Such a cruel decision. Now Jung Eunji has to sing the song all by herself ã… ã…  and Girl's Day? Their live is so bad

9. [+289, -24] Poor Hyuna...

10. [+277, -14] No hope for Crayon Pop
