Attractive schemes for teachers, doctors & govt employee from TMF* All offers from dealers. Offers on selected models/colours and available stocks only and is valid on everybooking & delivery in the scheme period starting from 1st June 2014 till 30th June 2014.
Total benefits include insurance up to 3 years + cash offers + exchange bonus + corporate bonus. Benefits of Rs 90,000 is for Safari Dicor LX variant, Ex- Delhi. The selection will be on the basis of a lucky draw. Insurance at the sole discretion of Insurance company.Insurance is subject matter of solicitation. Exchange value as per evaluation by Tata Motors Assured only. Offers applicable on all models being used for private application by the owner under white plate registration only. Accessories shown may not be part of standard fitment. Product also available without this scheme.Premium SMS rates may apply.
Products and Offers:
TATA ARIA - Benefits upto Rs.95000
Safari Storme - Benefits upto Rs.90000
Sumo Gold - Benefits upto Rs.72000
TATA Manza - Benefits upto Rs.65000
TATA Indigo Ecs - Benefits upto Rs.58000
TATA Vista Tech - Benefits upto Rs.72000
TATA Indica Ev2 - Benefits upto Rs.56000
TATA Nano - Benefits upto Rs.55000
Total benefits include insurance up to 3 years + cash offers + exchange bonus + corporate bonus. Benefits of Rs 90,000 is for Safari Dicor LX variant, Ex- Delhi. The selection will be on the basis of a lucky draw. Insurance at the sole discretion of Insurance company.Insurance is subject matter of solicitation. Exchange value as per evaluation by Tata Motors Assured only. Offers applicable on all models being used for private application by the owner under white plate registration only. Accessories shown may not be part of standard fitment. Product also available without this scheme.Premium SMS rates may apply.
Products and Offers:
TATA ARIA - Benefits upto Rs.95000
Safari Storme - Benefits upto Rs.90000
Sumo Gold - Benefits upto Rs.72000
TATA Manza - Benefits upto Rs.65000
TATA Indigo Ecs - Benefits upto Rs.58000
TATA Vista Tech - Benefits upto Rs.72000
TATA Indica Ev2 - Benefits upto Rs.56000
TATA Nano - Benefits upto Rs.55000