If you are running a good traffic blogger blog, you can easily apply for adsense to make some extra money from it; you must read the guidelines and TOS of Adsense before applying on it.
Now just little bit more about Adsense.
Adsense are ads display by Google, these ads are actually paid customer sites in adword, there are two type of service here Google offers,
- Publishers
- Advertisers
For earning a site which have some unique visitors and traffic, they apply for publishers account in Google (Adsense) and once it approve, the Advertisers (Adword) ads going to be displayed on your site they also offer different type of ads campaign.
- PPC (Pay Per Click)
- PPP (Pay Per Play)
- IMP (Impression base)
For more about adsense you must visit wikipedia adsense or Google main page for adsense, with this you may get idea how it works.
IN Blogger Here how to apply for it, (Applying through blogger you has an option quick chance of approval)
- Open blogger dashboard.
- Click Earning from drop down arrow.
- Now click on signup for adsense
- Fill up the form, and submit the request

If you find any type of problem for all of that, you must share it with here in comments.
Note: In Asia there is very low chance of getting approval of adsense, your site must match the quality that require in TOS, or Guidelines.