YTN tries to start drama over Lee Kyung Kyu golfing instead of mourning for the Sewol Ferry

Article: YTN releases 'controversy' report on Lee Kyung Gyu at the golf course

Source: Star News via Nate

News channel YTN reported, "While all of Korea is in deep sadness, Lee Kyung Kyu is currently in controversy over being spotted at the golf course. At 11 am today, he was making a round with friends at a Junnam golf course. With the Sewol Ferry tragedy, the entertainment industry is in deep mourning and making donations but Lee Kyung Kyu's inappropriate action will bring about controversy."

1. [+386, -9] If anyone is going to give him problems over this, nobody at YTN should be eating, watching TV, or doing any sort of hobby activity. Wear mourning clothes and cry all day long.

2. [+334, -8] That reporter should not even be breathing. What a joke.

3. [+242, -6] What a stupid reason to start a witch hunt over. Then what was that YTN reporter doign following Lee Kyung Kyu to the golf course?

4. [+10, -3] I went to yoga today. Sorry.

5. [+9, -0] I finished my entire lunch today and even had coffee for dessert... I'm sorry...


Article: Divided opinions on Lee Kyung Kyu at the golf course 'invasion of privacy vs reprimandable'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,806, -47] Is Lee Kyung Kyu some civil servant????????

2. [+1,715, -38] Golfing is a hobby, why is that an issue? Anyone who is hating on him, are you all not watching dramas, movies, reading, going on dates, playing games or anything but praying????? If not, don't hate on Lee Kyung Kyu. You do not force people to mourn.

3. [+1,532, -36] So do reporters think everyone should be doing nothing but watching the news? What an overreaction.

4. [+77, -2] I don't know why people are forcing the nation to mourn. Everyone is sad, everyone is mourning, but lives must go on. Must people continue to be depressed? What are we allowed to do if nothing at all?

5. [+67, -2] If not golfing, is working out not allowed? Eating at restaurants? Shopping at the mall?


Article: Lee Kyung Kyu reps, "He quit golfing and left... apologies over the concern"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+605, -13] He has no reason to be sorry. Mourning does not mean you do nothing all day but pray. Everyone is watching dramas and moving on ã…‹ Just that people want to witch hunt over anyone caught right now.

2. [+521, -12] This is nothing to be sorry about! Do people really expect everyone to not be doing anything?

3. [+470, -12] You did nothing wrong.
