Article: Former SeeYa member Kim Yeonji makes comeback after four years with 'drastically different beauty'
Source: E-Daily via Naver
1. [+1,136, -29] Just how much did she fix...? I wouldn't even recognize her if you didn't tell me she was Kim Yunji
2. [+957, -16] Is she really that person I remember far back in my memories...
3. [+641, -31] Why did she change?? What happened in those four years?
4. [+485, -32] Why??
5. [+152, -8] I guess this is why people get work done... looks like it was worth it
6. [+145, -10] Wow, the fact that she got work done doesn't look obvious, it looks really natural... No traces of plastic surgery monster. She was the best in terms of talent out of SeeYa so I hope she gets a good song for her comeback.
7. [+112, -9] So much was ripped apart... Her old image is compl~etely gone.
8. [+98, -6] I miss the days of SeeYa, SG Wannabe, Buzz...
9. [+87, -5] No wonder people risk their lives getting plastic surgery. Look at the results.
10. [+70, -4] Took me a while to remember who she was. She looks a lot more confident now. What a success! I hope she finds more success with her singing, though...