bits + pieces, a reflection on my blog + content

bits + pieces from over on instagram
Someone wrote a response to a post this week that they felt my blog was becoming "soulless". Although no one enjoys hearing criticism, no matter how worded, I did feel that at the core of what they were saying was that my content had changed (and they weren't too pleased) While contemplating the comment, I felt that this post from 2012 where I addressed a shift in content on my blog is just as applicable today as it was as the day that I wrote it.

Content shifts on personal blogs, such as my own, are a natural occurrence over time. Is it even necessary to address? No, not all the time. But perhaps it needs to be done in this case as my content shift this time is less about no longer doing renovations, but  more so to do with the incorporation of monetization - in particular, affiliate links.

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