Remove Coffee Stains From Leather

Coffee stains on leather can be unsightly.

Coffee is the black gold that keeps many people running through the day. Unfortunately, coffee stains more than just teeth. Coffee spilled on upholstery or clothing--such as leather seats or leather jackets--can leave a difficult-to-remove stain that will not budge with normal cleaning. This stain can quickly become an eyesore. Fortunately, you do not have to live with coffee-stained leather.


1. Wipe spilled coffee off the leather using a damp cloth. If a stain is present or the coffee has dried on the leather, continue with the remaining steps.

2. Fill a small container with lukewarm water. Saturate a sponge in the water and wring out the excess liquid so you have a sponge that is damp but not soggy.

3. Dampen the coffee stain with the sponge. Blot--do not scrub--the stain with the sponge and move outward away from the stain. You must dampen the stain as well as the surrounding leather. Use less moisture as you move away from the coffee stain. This should allow the leather to dry in a uniform color. If the coffee stain is still visible after the leather has dried, continue to the remaining step.

4. Apply shaving cream in an aerosol can to the coffee stain. Rub the shaving cream into the leather using a damp sponge. Continue rubbing until the shaving cream has been absorbed by the leather and sponge. Rinse the leather with a clean sponge dampened with cool water. Dry the leather with a lint-free towel.

5. Apply a leather cleaner and conditioner to the leather with a lint-free cloth. During the stain removal process, the leather loses some of its natural oils. The leather cleaner and conditioner will restore the lost oils.

Tips Warnings

Test the shaving cream on an inconspicuous spot before using on a larger area.

Have the stain professionally treated if you feel it is too large a project for you to handle, or the stain is set for a long time.

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