last minute vacation

Last week we hopped on a plane and escaped this ridiculously cold snowy weather in Toronto to get some warmth in the Dominican Republic. It was at Aubrey's encouragement that we do this trip. I'm a homebody and had never flown with Oscar, so was apprehensive about the adventure.  But Aubrey thought it was what we both needed and so very last minute, we booked a trip and were on a plane. Thankfully I was able to wrap up all existing orders in the shop, close it down for a week and take some time with my boys. Since I don't have any obligation to sponsors on my blog, I didn't fret about setting up posts to automatically appear here - so sorry for the silence. (If you wondered, but I don't think for a second anyone really was worried!)

I'm grateful that we could do this trip - it wasn't without some major price shopping and help from an agent to find somewhere suitable for all three of us. Aubrey and I had very different wish lists and Aubrey and our agent did an amazing job at finding a spot that fit all of the criteria. I'm not a travel expert by any means, and had help from friends who had done it before - but I'll share the review / feedback on where we went, and what I found worked for us for travelling with Oscar shortly! I'm just getting back to the routine, and work comes first - but I wanted to write a post saying hi to those who may have wondered if I fell in a ditch. ;) xo Lindsay