How to Find Deleted Messages on Facebook

How to Find Deleted Messages on Facebook

This tuts is on how to access or find your Facebook Deleted Messages. This is very useful when you accidentally delete some important messages from your Facebook or for some reasons like if you want to know if your GF/BF have some messages he/she deleted from his/her Facebook for a secret reasons (third-party relationship). Follow steps below on how to recover Facebook deleted messages.

1 -- Accessing Facebook

Go to the Facebook account you want to recover messages from.
2 -- Accessing Facebook Account Settings

On the upper right corner of the page, click the Settings icon. It's the one on the end that looks like a little cog. A drop-down menu will open. Click on "Account Settings."
3 -- Download a copy

Next, click on the link that says "Download a copy" of your Facebook data.
4 -- Start My Archive

When the new page opens, click "Start My Archive."
5 -- Start My Archive

Click "Start My Archive" again. Click "Confirm."

6 -- Download My Archive

The archive contains all your profile information, wall posts, events, pictures and messages. So it can take up to 3 hours for the archive to be generated. Once your archive is ready you can download it.
7 -- Open Downloaded Archive

When you're ready to download your Facebook archive, repeat steps 1 through 3. But instead of clicking "Start My Archive," enter the password and click "Download Archive."

When the download is completed, extract it and open the file named "Index" (HTML Document)
8 -- Recover your deleted messages.

Then click on "Messages" and wait for the messages to load. If you want to search your messages by keyword, press Control F OR F3. And this is how you recover your deleted Facebook messages.