Google says Gmail is about to become more secure than ever

Gmail is about to become more secure than ever, Google says, as it introduces its most comprehensive encryption yet.


All Gmail emails will now be encrypted with HTTPS as they move between you and Gmail's servers, as well as when they move among Gmail's data centers internally, the search company wrote in a blog post.

Google said that internal security became especially important "after last summer's revelations," presumably referring to the Gmail privacy concerns that cropped up in August 2013.

Google says it's supported HTTPS since day one, and in 2010 it made it the default encryption option. But now 100 percent of Gmail messages will be encrypted with HTTPS.

Speaking of percentages

Google also reported that Gmail was available to users for 99.978% of 2013, amounting to less than two hours of downtime for each individual user.

And as always the company is working to improve reliability and security whenever possible, it said.
"Your email is important to you, and making sure it stays safe and always available is important to us," Gmail Security Engineering Lead Nicolas Lidzborski wrote in the blog post.

He continued, "As you go about your day reading, writing, and checking messages, there are tons of security measures running behind the scenes to keep your email safe, secure, and there whenever you need it."

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