Get Rid Of Skin Moles Fast Using Home Ingredients

Moles are a common skin growth that affect all people. Most moles are harmless, but in rare situations the moles become cancerous. See a doctor if you have a mole that is changing. Moles take various shapes, sizes, colors and textures, and appear anywhere on the body. Some people feel a mole is unattractive, and they try to remove the skin growth. There are several home remedies some people say are effective in getting rid of moles.


1. Apply vinegar to the mole several times a day. Apple cider vinegar is an inexpensive way to treat moles at home. There is a large amount of potassium in apple cider vinegar that will break down the skin of the mole until it fades away.

2. Cut a thin slice of garlic and apply it to the mole. Garlic contains sulfur that works on the mole. The oil of a fresh garlic clove can be used, or a bottle of garlic oil. Apply the garlic oil with a cotton swab or attach the clove slice to the mole and hold in place with a Band-Aid. Leave on overnight for a few nights.

3. Use onion juice. Onion juice has often used as a folk remedy for moles. You can buy onion juice or squeeze the juice from a fresh onion. Apply with a cotton ball once a day for one week.

4. Grind coriander until it is a powder. Add water to the powder. Apply to the mole, and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse. After doing this for a few days, the mole falls off.

5. Use honey. According to the Natural Home Remedies website, the mole will disappear completely with the mere application of honey. Apply the honey with a cotton ball and leave on for 15 minutes.

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