Emachine stuck on installing software office 2010 during recovery

I had this issue with a client so I shut the pc down and booted into safe mode. Then I opened msconfig and turned everything off that was related to acer/emachine. I then went into the hidden c:\OEM\preload folder and deleted the office 2010 folder and rebooted and it started up again, skipped that 4th option and jumped to 5 and was done.  I went in and turned everything back on in the msconfig except the acer\preload and rebooted straight to the desktop.

I am pretty sure it was just deleting the office 2010 folder but if that doesn't cut it then try killing all the startup options and kill the acer/emachine services. I am not going through that again to find out what did the trick.:-)

My Computer Girl
Computer Repair Services of Lakeland FL