Apply To The Air Force Academy

Apply to the Air Force Academy

The United States Air Force Academy, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, admits approximately 1,200 students each year. The competition for an appointment is stiff, and interested applicants should begin the process early. In addition to normal college-entrance requirements, applicants need to pass a physical fitness test, a medical examination and secure a Congressional nomination.


1. Ensure you meet the basic eligibility requirements. You must be a U.S. citizen, be of good moral character and be at least 17 but not yet 23 on July 1 of the year you enter the Air Force Academy. Applicants who are married, pregnant or have dependents will not be accepted.

2. Take the SAT or ACT college-entrance exams. Applicant's prior academic record consisting of GPA and SAT/ACT test scores make up the biggest piece of the selection process.

3. Start the application process in the spring of your junior year of high school. Fill out the Precandidate Questionnaire on the Air Force Academy's Web site. An initial screening is done based on the Precandidate Questionnaire. Applicants passing this screening will receive a Candidate Kit beginning in August.

4. Apply for a nomination from all available sources, including your local Congressperson and U.S. Senators from your state. Check your representatives' Web sites for the application process and requirements, as they differ. Nominations are based on merit, not political connections.

5. Get in shape physically. Prepare for the fitness test through conditioning exercises and running. Continue to exercise throughout the application process in order to be ready for the requirements of the Air Force Academy.

6. Finish the application process as soon as possible upon receiving the candidate kit. The kit will explain set up the fitness test and the medical exam. The kit will also ask for other paperwork, such as a writing sample.

7. Interview with the Air Force Academy Liaison Officer. Discuss your goals, qualifications and reasons for wishing to attend the Air Force Academy. Do not wear shorts or jeans.

Tips Warnings

Take four years of English, advanced science and math classes, get good grades, do your best on SATs and ACTs, participate in sports and assume leadership roles in extracurricular activities throughout high school.

Fill out your paperwork early. It shows motivation and gives you time to address any problems that may arise.

Talk to recent cadets about their experiences.

Attend the Air Force Academy Summer Seminar if possible in order to get a feel for life at the Air Force Academy.

Follow directions and do not miss deadlines.

Tags: apply, force, academy, Force Academy, application process, fitness test, Apply Force, Apply Force Academy, fitness test medical, high school, high school Fill, Precandidate Questionnaire, school Fill