Add Social Media Share Button Below Post of blogger blog

 Add Social Media Share Button Below Post of blogger blog
Share Button is a easy way to increase blog visitors and page views. thorough those share button visitors share your post on social media simple.There are several style of placement you can use. My favorite is adding them under blog post. Those colorful button are fast and easy to load.
So I give simple code for a gadget for blogger.
just follow this easy blogspot tutorial for beginner:

Go to your blogger/blogspot LayOut, and click on Add Gadget.

2. Choose HTML/JavaScript gadget.
3.Then  Copy - paste code below on the gadget box

 <span id="st_finder"></span><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;stBlogger2.init("", {"sharethis":["vcount","ShareThis",""],"facebook":["vcount","Facebook",""],"twitter":["vcount","Tweet",""],"linkedin":["vcount","LinkedIn",""],"tumblr":["vcount","Tumblr",""],"googleplus":["vcount","Google +",""],"pinterest":["vcount","Pinterest",""],"plusone":["vcount","Google +1",""],"fblike":["vcount","Facebook Like",""]} , "bl-c32aa6f1-3251-8e88-76ba-7928233f65b");var f = document.getElementById("st_finder");var c = f.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes;for (i=0;i<c.length;i++) { try { c[i].style.display = "none"; } catch (err) {}}</script>

now save the gadget and View your post  footer.

N.B: Alway keep this widget on footer because it's saw blank.

see more post about blogger design          Go Here