I found some new treasures at Value Village a few weeks ago. One was this glass vase, or perhaps bowl? Aubrey's reaction when he saw it was "What's that?" I guess it is pretty weird looking. But the pink was too beautiful not to pass up. I have no idea really what it is, but I think it adds a nice pop of pink to our living room (it's not staying there, as shown below) but was the best light. Value Village always has coloured glass vases up for grabs, I liked this particular one because it was low, so it doesn't demand a lot of real estate in the house. Too tall and it would be more of a statement - the size and colour really are what attracted me to it.
If you are in Value Village or thrift shops don't pass by those colourful glass bowls / vases / weird things. Sometimes all their function needs to be in a home is to add some colour and make you smile. (Or make your husband think you've lost your marbles)