Article: [Exclusive] Rain ♥ Kim Tae Hee go on a date overseas? Date at Six Flags in America
Source: Star News via Nate
1. [+2,042, -532] What's the point of being pretty and graduating from Seoul Uni when you ruin your life with your lack of taste in men
2. [+1,506, -282] Kim Tae Hee babo
3. [+1,026, -171] Because Rain will get hate if they go on dates in Korea... ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
4. [+69, -4] Kim Tae Hee's dongseng was a celebrity soldier himself so I don't think she considers Rain's service that big of a deal... Gotta admit Rain's talented considering Tae Hee, Hye Gyo, and Ji Hyun. I bet Koreans will go back to praising him once he's successful in Hollywood. Rain has more than enough money to be good to Kim Tae Hee, I wonder if they'll even get married ㅜㅜ
5. [+43, -14] Sigh... thought Kim Tae Hee would be married off to a chaebol family but I guess that dream's over.
6. [+41, -7] Don't forget that Rain also dated Jun Ji Hyun zã…‹ã…‹ I really don't get why Tae Hee, Hye Gyo, and Ji Hyun dated him
7. [+38, -19] This is why they say God is fair. He gave her beauty, smarts, and money... but not an eye for men.
8. [+34, -3] What's up with the comments... I don't like Rain either but who knows what kind of person he is as a man to his woman? Kim Tae Hee's not that big of a fool enough to date him for no reason. People shouldn't put Kim Tae Hee on a pedestal just because she's pretty and smart. It doesn't automatically make her a great person. We're all judging them on their images as celebrities and that's not all there is to a person ã…‹