Jaekyung says she doesn't regret rejecting an offer to join KARA

Article: Rainbow's Jaekyung "I don't regret rejecting the offer to join KARA" first confession

Source: Newsen via Nate

"10 years ago, I joined KARA's agency. During my training period for Rainbow, I received an offer from the company to join KARA, which would mean that I could debut right away. I rejected the offer because I knew that the Rainbow members together would be successful. The members are like family to me so I don't regret the decision at all." Hara and Jiyoung took her place.

1. [+568, -42] If Jaekyung was in KARA, she'd turn the other members into nobodies. Those shorties couldn't compare to a tall beauty like Jaekyung. She wouldn't fit with the group at all.

2. [+442, -23] Good decision.

3. [+247, -25] Hara and Jiyoung were the saving grace of KARA. They're one of the few instances where a member change actually helped a group out since that's when KARA really took off... If Jaekyung had taken their place, the group itself would've failed and I bet they'd all be separated and going back to their studies by now. I don't dislike Jaekyung but she just doesn't fit with the group. And the reason most of the trainees rejected offers to join KARA then was because it was right after their first album failed and the company was just looking to get the money they lost back by turning the group into an event only performance group. It was better for trainees at the time to just wait and debut under a new group considering the situation.

4. [+21, -6] No matter how much hate KARA gets, I don't think they're a group that Rainbow can just talk anything about

5. [+11, -7] I don't know what's better... to be the leader of a group that honestly shows no potential for anything more or to be a member of a group that hit daebak in two countries only to hit rock bottom..

6. [+10, -16] The reaosn KARA got popular was because of Hara and Jiyoung as the two top visuals that worked in Japan. Although they're the nation's b*tches now, KARA would've been nobodies without those two.

7. [+6, -0] I don't think she'll match KARA anyway since they're a cuter style...

8. [+6, -1] She may not have any regrets but she still hasn't won #1 yet ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
