HTTP session HIJACKING (cookee stealing),hacking any site like fb,gmail etc...

Step 1) First download and install WinPcap (WinPcap in Windows is used for capturing network traffic.)
You can use Pcap in libPcap library for unix like systems.

download winpcap

Step 2) Download and open Firesheep in Firefox, it will automatically install it. Or just
drag it and place it over Firefox shortcut (Firesheep at this instant is not supporting Firefox 4)

download firesheep

Step 3) After it is installed, in
Firefox go to View -->Sidebar -->
Firesheep. A side bar will appear in the browser with a button
"start capturing", press it and sit
back. In few seconds you will see account
details with photos of
the target. Click on one of it and
you will directly enter in his account. Simple as that.

Note:- Using Firesheep to hijack others account is illegal under
wiretapping Act.