GP Basic prepares for 'Pika BurnJuck' comeback

Article: 'Comeback' GP Basic, form girls to hip hop warriors...

Source: Star Today via Nate [2]

1. [+162, -2] Wait, this is their 7th single....?

2. [+127, -2] I don't think this concept is going to work;ㅜㅜ

3. [+130, -6] I thought they failed

4. [+15, -0] This concept's really a tsretch...

5. [+14, -0] I can tell by the pictures that it will fail...

6. [+151, -2] I remember people back then were telling them that they were too young and they should comeback after a few more years of training... who thought they'd really comeback a few years later..

7. [+4, -1] Wait, at least they're not stripping. Isn't that what all of you wanted? Why the hate then ã…‹ã…‹
