Free Auto Repair Manuals - Can You Get Auto Repair Manuals Online For Free?

Free auto repair manuals are in high demand to anyone who is in need of information to help in repairing their car. With the internet now being available in most home across the United States when someone is in need of any type of information, the first thing that they usually do is go online to see if they can get it for free. So - it would be normal when looking for information on how to repair your car to try to find a site that would have the information and not have to pay for it.

Here are some ways that you can try to get free auto repair manual information.

1) Go to one of the search engines (such as Google, MSN or AOL) and type in the type of automobile, year and a small description of your problem. For example if you were trying to fix a problem with your brakes, transmission or tires for your Honda Civic, you might type in something like "Honda civic brakes" into the search engine. Sometimes you might get lucky and find an active forum where you can search for posts related to your auto repair problem.

2) Another option to get free access to auto repair manuals would be to go to your local library. Many libraries carry auto repair manuals for various makes and models of cars. I would suggest that you call ahead to see if the library does carry reference manuals such as those for car repairs in their reference section.

The fact is that there are no free auto repair manual sites available online. There are alternative options however - these options include using online stores, auction sites and subscription services. All of these options do cost you money - but it is still cheaper to purchase a manual and make your repairs yourself than to pay a mechanic to do it.