YG opens their restaurant to serve 250 elderly living alone

Article: YG's company restaurant opens up to serve 'food of love' to 250 elderly living alone

Source: Star news via Naver

1. [+389, -5] You can say they're just doing this for their image but it's amazing of them to actually put words into actions. It's easy to say that you'll donate and do charity when you make more money but greed is never ending and it's hard to actually do it...

2. [+344, -2] YG consistently participates in charity services like this. Probably because Sean leads them well.

3. [+352, -12] SM and other entertainment agencies have never done anything like this.

4. [+263, -2] The best! Amazing work~♥♥♥

5. [+259, -12] Shows the difference in class between YG and SM ^^

6. [+87, -3] YG donates and does so much charity service... Yang Hyun Suk donated $800k a while ago and Sean and GD are always donating as well

7. [+67, -1] It's great that they're using their famous company restaurant for good deeds like this
