National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
No. II/95/Pt.V
Dated: 23/12/2013
The General Secretaries
of affiliated Unions of NFIR
Sub: Strike Ballot on pending demands-17th and 18th January, 2014.
While enclosing copies resolutions passed in the 27th National Convention of NFIR, held at Visakhapatnam from December 10th to 12th, 2013, the affiliates are advised that as per resolution, strike ballot should be organised on 17th & 18th January 2014 on pending demands, for eliciting the opinion of Railway Employees.
While NFIR is despatching posters (English) on Strike Ballot in limited number, the affiliates should print and display strike ballot posters in different languages for generating awareness among the employees on pending demands. The issues listed in the resolution should be displayed through various means to enable the employees to peruse the demands and exercise their opinion through Strike Ballot on 17th & 18th January 2014.
The results of the strike ballot should he conveyed to NFIR promptly for reviewing the same for deciding further course of action. All relevant records pertaining to conduct of Strike Ballot should be preserved by the affiliates.
Yours fraternatly,
General Secretary
10-12th DECEMBER 2013
The Twenty Seventh Annual Convention of NFIR in session at Vishakhapatnam on 11th and 12th December 2013 takes note of NFIR’s consistent struggle since the year 1969 for introduction of the concept of Productivity Linked Bonus” (PLB) to Railwaymen.
Due to the persuasion, initiative and relentless struggle of NFIR, the Government had agreed for evolving the Scheme of PLB to the Railway employees in the year 1979 and consequently an agreement was reached between the Federations and the Railway Ministry for introduction of PLB Scheme in the Railways. The NFIR had from time to time pleaded for bringing positive changes in the scheme more particularly relating to salary eligibility limit and calculation ceiling limit. The continuous efforts of the NFIR has yielded satisfactory results, so much so, the Railway employees in all categories become entitled for Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) Rs. 3500/- p.m. (on the basis of number of days of wages). This revised calculation limit was given effect from 2006-07 onwards as approved by the Union Cabinet on 03/10/2008.
Though the railway employees are presently entitled for P.L. Bonus in terms of number of days wages subject to the calculation of the same Rs.3500/- p.m., the National Convention strongly demands that the notional calculation system presently followed should be dispensed with and the Bonus paid on the actual wages of the employees.
The National Convention therefore, demands that the existing calculation ceiling for payment of PL Bonus should be reviewed to facilitate employees to receive their legitimate P.L. Bonus on the basis of actual wages drawn.
The revision of wage structure for Central Government employees had been undertaken by the successive Pay Commissions appointed by the Government of India during the past decades and gave their reports. These reports have been implemented by the Government with some modifications and improvements. However, anomalies and aberrations continue to persist.
Previous Pay Commissions (3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th) have by and large covered the aspects of the principles of wage determination. But, however, the job contents, remuneration commensurating with the nature of duties and responsibilities have not been taken into consideration by the Pay Commissions while determining the revised pay structure, consequently the Railwaymen have been put to disadvantage.
The 5th CPC had recommended that the DA must be merged with pay and treated as pay for computing all allowances as and when the percentage of Dearness compensation exceeds 50%. Accordingly, even before the setting up of 6th CPC, the DA of 50% was merged with pay in the year 2004.
Presently, the Dearness Allowance is 90% of pay as on 01/07/2013 and is likely to touch/cross 100% of pay as on 01/01/2014. The recommendation for merger of DA to partially compensate the erosion in the real wages was first mooted by the Gadgil Committee in the post 2nd Pay Commission period. The 3rd CPC recommended such merger when the Cost of Living Index crosses over 272 points i.e. 72 points over and above the base index adopted for the pay revision. In other words, the recommendation of the 3rd CPC was to merge the DA when it crossed 36%. The Government in the National Council JCM at the time of negotiations had initially agreed to merge 60% DA. The 5th CPC had merged 98% of DA with Pay.
As the DA already stood at 90% of pay and further revision is due on 01/0112014 when DA is likely to touch/cross 100%, it is therefore necessary that the Government takes steps to merge 50% with pay for all purposes w.e.f.01/01/2011 for ensuring compensation to the erosion of the value of real wage of Government employee.
The 27th National Convention, therefore, urges upon the Government of India to consider the demand and accord sanction for merging DA component of 50% of pay with the Pay for all purposes with effect from 01-01-2011.
The National Convention also appeals to the Central Government to grant Interim Relief to the employees as well as retired employees to sustain in the light of continued price rise of various commodities.
In the NFIR’s Election Manifesto-2013, Federation has committed to the Railway employees that the NFIR shall struggle for achievement of 7th Central Pay Commission. After Secret Ballot Elections results declared on 2nd May 2013, the NFIR Working Committee met at New Delhi on 30th / 31st May 2013 and passed resolution for preparing Railway employees for launching indefinite strike if the demands, more importantly appointment of 7th CPC, are not redressed by the Government of India and the Ministry of Railways. The Charter of Demands along with NFIR’s communication was sent to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Finance Minister, Railway Minister, Labour Minister etc.
It is a matter of satisfaction that the pressure and consistent struggle since Feb 2013, launched by the NFIR and Railway employees on the Government, has yielded result, wherein the Government has made announcement on September 25. 2013 for constituting 7th Central Pay Commission.
The 27th National Convention now in session in Vishakhapatnam unanimously resolves to convey its thanks to the Hon’hle Prime Minister for his decision to set up 7th Central Pay Commission. The National Convention, however, demands inclusion of one of Secretary level Officers of Railway Ministry as member of 7th CPC which may facilitate realistic examination of the issues of Railway employees.The National Convention also appeals to the Government to include a Labour Representative as one of the Members of the Commission.
The National Convention reviewed the labour situation vis-à-vis pending issues relating to Central Government employees including that of Rail Workforce. After lengthy deliberation's, the National Convention listed the issues placed below:
1. Guaranteed pension to those appointed on or after 01/01/2004.
2. Merger of DA with pay with retrospective effect.
3. Grant Interim Relief to Central Government employees (serving and retired).
4. Increase contribution to Group Insurance Scheme (GIS) for all Government employees.
5. Enhance Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs.300/- p.m. to not less than Rs.1000/- for all retired Government employees.
6. Extend special privileges and facilities for Women employees for their empowerment.
7. Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) on actual wages without enforcing any ceiling.
8. Count Temporary status Casual Labour Service in full as qualifying service for retirement and other purposes.
9. Transport Allowance should be exempted from the purview of Income Tax.
10. Merge Technician-II with Technician-I with Grade Pay Rs.2800/- (PB-I) in Railways.
11. Revise entry grade pay of Station Masters as Rs.4200/- in PB-2.
12. Replacement of Grade Pay Rs.4600/- with Rs.4800/- (PB-2) w.e.f. 01/01/2006.
13. Allotment of entry Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- to the Group ‘B’ Gazetted staff.
14. Rectify anomalies of 6th CPC raised in the Departmental Anomaly Committee Meetings.
15. Grant pay fixation under Rule S13 (erstwhile FR 22C) for those promoted to the identical Grade Pay shouldering higher responsibilities.
16. Allotment of higher Grade Pay to the Loco Pilots and Guards.
17. Implement cadre restructuring of all left over categories immediately.
18. Extension of benefit of LARSGESS for all Safety categories of staff including TRD, Train Lighting, Bridge staff.
19. LARSGESS restrictions/adoptions of compassionate appointment procedure-past cases should be considered for appointment of wards and widening scope upto GP Rs. 4200/-.
20. Issues pending with the Ministry of Finance should be settled early in favour of railway employees.
21. Remove ban on filling up of vacancies of Ministerial staff in Railways.
22. Review of recruitment policy of erstwhile Gr ‘D’ post now in PB-I & GP Rs. 1800/- not meeting with the career advancement of the staff recruited.
23. Track patrolling-Support man provision-ensure mandatory requirement under safety.
24. Stop Out Sourcing, Contractorisation and Privatization.
25. Rectify MACPS anomalies.
26. Grant stepping up of pay of seniors where ever juniors drawing higher pay as a result of MACPS.
27. Grant Up-gradation of Apex Group ‘C’ posts to Group ‘B’ Gazetted-as per agreement.
28. Implement the report of Joint Committee for career growth of Track Maintainers in toto.
29. Abolish 12/- Hours duty in Railways — Introduce 8 hours duty roster for Running and Safety categories staff Classify Running Staff working high speed trains as “Intensive”.
30. Reduce Duty Hours of Nursing Staff thus honour Government’s decision.
31. Sufficient number of ticket checking staff posts need to be created for manning trains.
32. Revision of designations of various categories of staff need to be discussed and finalised.
33. Casual Labour/Substitutes acquired temporary status prior to 01/01/2004 should be covered under Liberalised Pension Scheme.
34. Grant Patient Care Allowance to all categories of staff working in the Railway Hospitals.
35. Implement norms for creation/sanction of new posts of SSE/JE (Signal), ESM, Helper (Signal) etc.
36. Negotiating for as of PNM at different levels and DC/JCM & NC/JCM to be made effective for resolving issues speedily.
37. Reduce duty hours of staff through realistic job analysis.
38. Amend Rules for providing employment to Wards of Employees.
39. Ensure Career improvement of Safaiwalis/Safaiwalas in Railways.
40. Provide quality Health care to employees, their families besides retired employees.
41. Fill vacancies of Doctors, Para Medical Staff and provide Super specialists in all Railway Hospitals.
42. Bring all Railway employees under Incentive Scheme in Workshops, PUs etc., wherever not covered.
43. Grant parity in Pay Structure for Stenographers in Railways at par with CSS/RBSS.
44. Training Allowance should be revised to 30% of pay in all Training Centres/Schools.
45. Rectify VIth CPC pay fixation of Loco Inspectors joined prior to 01/01/2006.
46. SPAD definition needs to he reviewed to prevent harassment and victimisation of Running Staff and safety category staff.
47. Make upward revision of Income Tax exemption limit in the case of running staff.
48. Running Rooms should be improved, air-conditioned and upgraded on priority.
49. Grant Project incentive allowance to the staff working in projects on Indian Railways.
50. Ensure creation of posts in safety/operational categories for manning new services and maintaining new assets without linking to matching surrender vis-à-vis automatic creation of posts on the basis of half yearly review.
51. Grant of Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers.
52. Absorb quasi administrative units/offices staff against posts in GP Rs.1800/- PB-I.
53. Enhance the rates of Patient Care Allowance and Hard Duty Allowance and also cover other Para-medical staff.
54. Provision of Hostel facility for single women railway employees at all ‘Divisional Headquarters.
55. Setting up of a multi-disciplinary training institute for imparting training in rail related electronic technologies for the wards of Railway Employees.
56. Extension of medical facilities to the dependent parents of railway employees.
57. Liberalize compassionate appointment provisions.
58. Allotment of Pay Band-4 to Junior Administrative Grade Officers.
59. Induct Course completed Act Apprentices against Safety vacancies.
60. Remove restrictions on payment of Children Education Allowance/Hostel subsidy.
61. Allow retention of Railway Quarters by the wards of Safety staff employed under LARSGESS.
62. Allot adequate funds for maintenance of Railway Quarters as well as construction of new quarters.
63. Introduce Technological advance warning system to prevent deaths of Track Maintainers while on duty.
64. Grant Study leave with attendant incentives to the employees for pursuing higher studies.
65. Enhance Night Patrolling Allowance for Track Maintainers and adequate compensation should be given to Night Patrolmen.
The 27th National Convention resolves to urge upon the Central Government and Railway Ministry to take Steps for ensuring time-bound negotiations with NFIR for satisfactorily settling the issues listed above to generate satisfaction among all categories of Railway employees.
The National Convention also decides to direct NFIR affiliates to organize mass meetings, conferences, demonstrations, rallies at all levels during the next five months period to mobilize all categories of employees for mounting pressure on the Government to resolve issues through sustained dialogue.
This National Convention having taken stock of the labour situation as well as status on various pending demands agitating railway employees has come to a conclusion that the negative attitude of Finance Ministry, Government of India on several proposals of railway ministry relating to rectification of CPC anomalies, improvement of Grade Pay of Running Staff Supervisory Officials etc, has created serious resentment and frustration among 13 lakh railway employees.
The National Convention takes note that adequate time has been given to the Government as well as Railway Ministry to resolve the issues through negotiated settlement.The National Convention also taken note of the Special Meeting held by the Railway Board on 23rd August, 2013 on important demands listed by NFIR but, however, found that there has been no improvement in sorting out the pending issues.
This National Convention, therefore, directs the NFIR affiliates to conduct Strike Ballot on the issues listed in the resolution passed by this Convention.
The National Convention further directs to conduct Strike Ballot on 17th & 18th January, 2014 while launching intensive campaign on the major demands with the Government as well as Railway Ministry which are already listed in there solutions passed by the Convention.
Source :NFIR