How to start your debut off on the wrong foot 101

Article: 'The Heirs' extra earns 'attention' for similar looks to Kim Tae Hee

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+947, -56] She looks like an average internet shopping mall model... How dare you say Kim Tae Hee...

2. [+596, -19] I knew an article like this would come up when I was watching the episode. An extra is able to stare at the camera directly ã…‹ã…‹ She even got two shots while the camera passed the other waitresses without attention. I knew there was something up ã…‹ã…‹

3. [+464, -26] Not really.........

4. [+52, -3] A rookie actress without any public popularity getting an article up like this is grounds for sponsor suspicions...

5. [+47, -2] Extra? ã…‹ã…‹ I bet the producer planned this all out

6. [+28, -2] I saw her Facebook, she's so average ã…‹ Who's her agency that she's able to media play like this? Calling herself a Kim Tae Hee lookalike? ã…¡ã…¡ Fostering a negative image before a debut.

7. [+19, -3] There are a lot of unnis who look like her in Gangnam

8. [+18, -1] A few days from now, we'll get another article with the title "Kim Tae Hee lookalike extra discovered to be OOO"
