christmas recap in photos

Christmas 2013 likely will be remembered as one of my most memorable Christmas's yet.  I'm still soaking in all of the time I have with Oscar and Aubrey, not feeling the pressure (yet) to work. But before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, I wanted to recap in photos the last week. Ice Storms, loss of heat, electricity - but all of the moments with family and thankfully, everyone is healthy.  The next post will be in 2014 - I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve.

Santa really focused on Oscar this year - but a certain fellow may have bought me some beautiful pearl earrings and some lovely Lancome products. Are we the only people that say to each other that we're not going to do gifts and then totally buy gifts? It always works out that way for us.  I gave Aubrey this. Because we adore that man, and that song.

See you in 2014! xo Lindsay