The Importance of Vehicle Safety Inspections After a Collision

Navigating the auto collision repair process can be bewildering and frustrating, especially for car owners who don't know much about automotive repair. Not only do insurance claims need to be filed and negotiated, but the vehicle's repairs and overall safety need to be addressed. There are many issues which may influence a car's safety after it's been in a collision, and it's important that these issues not be overlooked during the repair process. To ensure your car's collision repairs are comprehensive and thorough, it's a good idea to have a post-repair vehicle safety inspection performed by a professional vehicle safety specialist.

Hidden Collision Damages

When a car is in a collision, the worst damage is often the unseen damage which happens to the car's frame and internal components. These components are often more difficult - and costly - to fix, and if the insurance company's repair appraisal is too low, some of these problems may get overlooked. Internal car damage may not be visible, but it can compromise a vehicle's safety significantly.

Vehicle frame damage is one of the most commonly overlooked collision repair issues, especially when the vehicle was in a moderate to severe accident. A crumpled, bent or fractured frame compromises the strength of the whole vehicle, diminishing the car's ability to safely withstand a second accident. Similarly, internal components such as frame rails are often damaged during a collision, but may be overlooked during fast, low estimate repairs. To restore the vehicle to its pre-collision safety, these internal damages need to be fixed.

Not All Collision Repair Shops Are Equal

Most collision repair shops offer the same set of services, but the quality and thoroughness of these services can vary widely from shop to shop. Some auto body shops work to complete repairs as quickly and cost-efficiently as possible. While this tends to make car owners and insurance companies happy initially, quick, shoddy repairs can lead to more severe problems down the road - compromised vehicle safety not the least.

Auto body shops which perform thorough, high quality collision repair are more likely to dig below the surface to address damages which might have gone unnoticed. These types of shops can often be distinguished from other, lower quality collision shops by their accreditations. NAPA AutoCare Collision Center, A.A.A. Approved Collision Center and Accredited Better Business Bureau certifications are good indicators that an auto body shop will keep your and your family's personal safety as their highest priority.

Post-Collision Safety Inspection Checklist

Before taking your car home from the collision repair shop, it's important to make sure all your vehicle's key safety features are working properly. Ask your collision repair shop to perform a 15 point vehicle safety inspection which covers the following:

- Fluid levels - need to be topped off and checked for leaks.
- Tire pressure - needs to be equal and at appropriate levels.
- Tire wear condition - excessively or unevenly worn tires are unsafe during inclement weather.
- Suspension - needs to be structurally sound, without any bent, fractured or missing parts.
- Belts - check to make sure these are all still flexible, properly placed and working.
- Engine coolant hoses - need to be secure and leak-free.
- Car battery - check for dirty connection or old battery in need of replacement.
- Windshield wipers - make sure these are not cracked or worn, to ensure good visibility during nighttime and inclement weather.