Lately, it seems that the world has just been becoming more and more hot every year. There are many towns all over the world and different countries that are showing new record highs for temperature. While you may be able to beat the heat, your car may be taking quite a beating. If your car is subject to overheating then you can be sure that it will cause a lot of damage to your engine. Luckily, with knowledge, you will be able to take preventive measures to ensure the well-being of your car.
Many people don't realize the subtle problems that can accrue with your engine following bad habits. For instance, turning on your car and air conditioning before releasing some of that hot air inside the car puts some strain on the air conditioning unit and engine. Most people don't even check their car's levels of fluids on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, etc... You should use some sort of mixture of water and coolant about half and half. Make sure your radiator is always topped off, there are no leaks or cracks and that everything is in tact. Rinsing out the air conditioner condenser frees it from both dirt and insects that may have been unfortunate enough to get sucked in. Not only will this maintenance of the car help the cooling system run better, but it will also provide you a more satisfying life time.
Other problems that some people may acquire involve straining the engine by overloading it. For example, using a smaller car with a smaller engine to tow a heavier automobile. Heat not only affects the engine but the brake pads and calipers as well. During hotter weather the pads and calipers tend to stick more. This causes drag on your car's wheels unallowing the engine to work easier. This issue can lead to engine problems and overheating as well.
For those of you who drive a rear or four wheel drive automobile, shifting into park and/or neutral during heavy traffic can be a good idea. While in traffic slowly increasing your RPM's of the car to over 2k and holding it there for a good 30 seconds to a minute can help the radiator fan and water to pump faster. This helps during the heat to cool down the car and help prevent overheating.
People tend to take the temperature meter of their cars lightly. You should always be aware of your surroundings not only outside but inside the car. If you notice your temperature of the car rising and getting pretty high you should switch off the air conditioner and park. You should open the hood of the car and let that built up heat leave. Opening your radiator cap is very dangerous when the engine is hot so do not attempt it. If it is safe to do so you can drive after the temperature drops significantly but should be aware for any signs of overheating.
Engine repairs are not very fun or cheap to deal with. Being conscious of your fluid levels and gauges can help you prevent further damage during the heat. Using these couple tips you can help reduce the chance of problems with your car.