Now according to the recommendations given by the 6th Central pay commission the ACP has changed to MODIFIED ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION (MACP)in the type of 10-20-30. This increasing the beneficiaries to a great extent.The Central Govt Employees are in great debt to the Federations and Associations who had toiled for begetting these plans.
Though thousands of employees have been benefited by these plans,even then there are certain drawbacks in these.Taking in to consideration, these deficiencies along with several others the National Anomaly Committee which was solely organised for this purpose had successfully solved some problems thus lending a helping hand to all the Central Govt Employees.Moreover several other anomalies were on their way to be solved
In this moment ,the Central Govt has announced the 7th PAY COMMISSION.The most plausible solution should be that all the draw backs, problems and pending solutions should be solved before the 7th Pay Commission had been put in to practice.When the problems had not been solved and shifted to some other clan which is no way similar to this,the people who are linked would be made to endure a lot of stress .(For example LDC-UDC ISSUE)
The 7th pay commission without hindering the well being of anybody concerned may put forth the SERVICE BASED CAREER PROGRESSION.
MACP'S 10-20-30 is a very long year spanning one.Definitely this should be shortened.Initially 9 years should be taken in to account and after that the year gaps should be planned in a receding manner.
For example
First career progression in 9 years
Second career progression in 8 years (9+8=17yrs)
Third career progression in 7 years (9+8+7=24yrs)
Fourth career progression in 6 years (9+8+7+6=30yrs)
If the Service Based Career Progression is activated in the above manner it would be a great gift to all Central Govt employees. An employee would have to face many problems in his latter years such as higher studies of his kids,the marriage of his daughter,his own health and also his savings for his post retirement.In this condition the service based Career Progression may decrease the burdens of the employees.
There is no doubt if the employees who are predominantly the supporting pillars of the Central Govt are fully content and satisfied,all the central govt sectors would be refreshed and all plans would be made successful to a large extent.