Happy Friday. My little man has an ear infection. :( Aubrey and Oscar have had a continuous cold since Oscar started preschool, and over the weekend it got worse and turned into an ear infection. Thankfully as soon as he was prescribed & started to take medicine he started to return to his old cheerful and awesome self.
- Oscar is rocking his new slouch hat I bought on Etsy. The Joe Fresh one I bought is super cute but lacked the slouch (I think I didn't order it big enough) but this one is handmade and pretty hipster-ish. ;)
- This post about Sarah Richardson over at North Story is awesome. Probably one of the nicests post I have ever read. I love the part of the post where she talks about how people change (or don't change) with money and success. It reminds me of something that my Dad used to tell me about people - that often people's true personalities are revealed under stressful situations. I've always remembered that. How people present themselves and how people *really* are, sometimes are sadly very different and occasionally we get glimpses into true characters whether it be with a stressful situation or, with the rise professionally. Her post is a delightful insight into Sarah Richardson's personality - and makes me like Sarah Richardson the person (not just the designer or TV personality) even more.
- Don't forget to enter this contest!
- I won a twitter contest hosted by CityLine's David Lackie for some Lancome products. I'm SO excited. I never win anything and as a 30 something woman, I'm finally going to try to wear makeup. Just a little bit. I'm terrified of makeup but winning a prize pack helps me with the baby steps into trying.